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Double A Paper and OK GO win a GOLD from CANNES LIONS 2018

Double A’s Obsession for Smoothness” music VDO received 3 Lions awards from the 65th Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity 2018. Double A is the first paper company to receive Cannes awards. This is the 7th time OK GO has received Gold Lion for its creative and inspiring creations that make it possible to create an eye-catching music video.


“Obsession for Smoothness” music VDO was recognized as the World’s First Paper Mapping technique with 567 printers used and no single errors throughout 5 days of continuous shooting. This large-scale production utilized stop-motion imagery that involves designing graphic patterns to be printed on each piece of Double A paper and the choreography to make perfect synchronizing system that matches the music to create this phenomenon of world-class smoothness.


Double A white copy paper was used to create the stunning backdrop. 567 inkjet printers simultaneously printed color copies; Double A‘s paper smooth and quick ink absorption, allowed a smooth and jam-free print during the shoot.


Double A in collaboration with OK GO were honored with the Gold Lion (Design) for Digital Installations & Event, Silver Lion (Design) for Digital & Interactive and Bronze Lion (Film Craft) for Production Design/Art Direction.


Check this out on the website, Click
