Double A supports Thailand’s advancement towards national sustainable forest certification standard
The first Thai company accepted by PEFC as an international stakeholder member

Bangkok, Thailand, 4 May 2017 – Double A continues its active promotion of sustainable fiber sourcing in Thailand through certification. The Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) accepted Double A as an International Stakeholder member, the first Thai company to be accepted in the alliance.
Prior to becoming an International Stakeholder member, Double A played a vital role in the development of Thailand’s national standard for sustainable forest certification by Thailand Industrial Standards Institute (TISI). Double A has also provided a significant support to the Thailand Forestry Certification Council (TFCC) since its creation. The on-going development of the Thailand national standard is a result of the excellent multidivisional collaboration among key stakeholders in the country and PEFC.
“As a member, we now have the critical responsibility of pushing forward a global recognition of Thailand’s sustainable forestry standards,” said Mr. Thirawit Leetavorn, Double A Senior Executive Vice President.
Trees outside Forests (TOF) based Agroforestry
Double A is working closely with over 1.5 million smallholder farmers in Thailand in a unique agroforestry approach called ‘Paper from KHAN-NA’. In this approach, Double A gives fast growing trees to farmers to plant along the edges of their rice fields. This method does not take land away from food production but instead promotes the multiple use of farmland and provides economic benefits to the farming community. However, Paper from KHAN-NA remains to be outside the scope of any forest certification.
“Becoming a PEFC International Stakeholder member gives us the platform to promote our Trees outside Forests (TOF) based agroforestry. We are working with PEFC to develop such a global framework that would cover this sustainable sourcing method and enable farmers gain access to the certified wood market,” added Mr. Leetavorn.
The Thai national forest certification system is expected to be submitted to PEFC for endorsement by mid-2017.
Double A, as a partner organization, has pledged to run pilot programs for the standard and has committed all resources in its hand for implementation of the standard.
With Double A joining the alliance, PEFC now has 25 International Stakeholder members, and 46 National members.