Double A donates to 8th Green Film Festival in Seoul
- Double A Delivers Donation to the 8th Green Film Festival, accumulated by consumers through Double A's Better Paper, Better World Environmental Campaign
- Donationwill be used in 'Double A International Environment Movie Award'

SEOUL, May 19th, 2011– Premium Copy Paper Company, Double A Korea ( delivered a donation of 50 million won on May 18th to the Green Film Festival in Seoul held by Korea Green Foundation in Yonsei University during the opening ceremony.
Among entries of the film festival, Double A will select excellent environmental films produced for the last 2-3 years and award them. 10 million won will be given to the grand prize of long film, 5 million won to the grand prize of short film, 3 million won to the special prize of the jury, and 1 million won to the prize of the audiences. The awards ceremony will be held at the Sang-Am CGV theater on May 23th, 7 p.m.
Double A Senior Executive Vice President ThirawitLeetavornsaid, "We try our best to use what is best for the environment. With Double A, we are able to produce high quality copy paper which is appreciated by Korean consumers. It is these consumers who make it possible to continue our environmental awareness campaigns through meaningful event such as GFFIS."
The 8th Green Film Festival in Seoul ( runs for 8 days, from May 18th to 25th at the Sang-Am CGV theater in Seoul.