Double A: Yes, Trees can be Harvested Sustainably

Confirmed by Mr. Thirawit Leetavorn, Double A Senior Executive Vice President, during the Net Impact luncheon talk held recently at Sasin Center for Sustainability Management (SCSM) in Bangkok. He presented Double A’s sustainability strategy and how it manages its resources, including the sustainable sourcing of fiber through its Paper from KHAN-NA, Village Fund and 1Dream 1Tree initiatives.
The spotlight was given to 1Dream 1Tree, the first-of-its-kind consumer outreach program designed to raise awareness of sustainable consumption and production (SCP) in four countries, namely, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and Korea. Over the course of the campaign, each ream of Double A had a unique QR code on the packaging, which, when scanned, takes the user to a microsite and will activate the planting of Double APaper-Tree. The 1Dream 1Tree participants from four countries have donated over 211,000 trees to Thai farmers.
Watch Mr. Leetavorn’s complete luncheon talk here, and learn more about Double A and 1Dream 1Tree campaign from the man himself: