Double A Paper Takes Part in Earth Hour 2014
Double A shows commitment to protect the planet and goes beyond the hour to reduce its environmental footprint.

Bangkok, Thailand, 26 March 2014 - Use your power and go beyond the hour for the planet! Double APaper, led by Thirawit Leetavorn (center) encourages all Double A staff and their families in Thailand, Double A Alizay office in France, branch offices, business partners and customers across the world to celebrate their commitment to the planet by participating in Earth Hour 2014.
Double A is an active supporter of this annual “lights-off” event. On 29 March from 8:30 to 9:30 PM (local time zone), Double A and its global network will switch off lights, appliances and electronic devices in the office and at home for an hour, along with millions of people around the world who care for the planet.
Double A is also committed to “go beyond the hour” through its proprietary environmental initiatives. Creating a better world through sustainable Paper from KHAN-NA is among these. Through Paper from KHAN-NA, resources for pulp and paper and raw materials for biomass production can be sustainably generated without sourcing the same from natural forest. And lastly, millions of trees planted through this program absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Three hundred and ninety million trees reduce 6.7 million tons of CO2 per year.