Double A s Paper from KHAN-NA Gets Asian "Green Leadership Award 2012"

Double A, Paper from KHAN-NA that is exported to over 100 countries worldwide, recently received the "Green Leadership Award 2012" for its outstanding contributions to environmental preservation. Among the entries from various organizations in Southeast Asia, Double A’s sustainable Paper from KHAN-NA program is acknowledged as the winner for its concern over environmental, social and economic issues. Mr. Thirawit Leetavorn (middle), Senior Executive Vice President of Double A receives the prestigious Award from Mr. William Ng (left), President of Enterprise Asia and Mr. Michael Ma (right), CEO of IndoChine Group. The Asian Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards – Southeast Asia or AREA-SEA is a regional recognition Award that honors companies for their outstanding, innovative and world-class products, services and projects. This year’s awarding ceremony was held in Singapore.